Orly Aviv Clips it down the wind


Orly Aviv Clips it down the wind

Orly Aviv Clips it down the wind is an ocean race as an analogy to the greatest sailing races of the world. Cowes Week, Volvo Ocean Race, America’s Cup, Vendée Globe, Barcolana.
The term “clipper” most likely derives from the verb “clip”, which in former times meant, among other things, to run or fly swiftly. Dryden, the English poet, used the word “clip” to describe the swift flight of a falcon in the 17th century when he said “And, with her eagerness the quarry missed, Straight flies at check, and clips it down the wind.” The ships appeared to clip along the ocean water. The term “clip” became synonymous with “speed” and was also applied to fast horses and sailing ships. “To clip it”, and “going at a good clip”, are the remaining expressions. (Wikipedia)